MENA / ADT - Canyon Course - Blue Canyon GC
20 May 2022

Thailand Swing Complete…
I have good news, not great news, but better than last week… I actually played solid golf for three rounds of golf! No crazy cock ups, a few minor ones but nothing catastrophic and three rounds under par for the event. This week we were playing at Blue Canyon Golf Club and playing the Canyon course where Tiger won the Johnnie Walker classic quite a few years ago. Really nice track and probably the best all round course we have played for this swing.
Again, it wasn’t the most pretty at times and there was a little bit of beg, steal and borrow in there but after four events in Thailand it was nice to finish with a little momentum going into the summer season back in the UK. Rounds of 70,69,71 (-6) got me a tie for 21st. It’s something to build on going forward.
I knew this trip was going to be difficult for me, but didn’t realize quite how hard I would find it being away from the family in Abu Dhabi. After speaking to Lauren for quite some time after the practice round before this final event she seemed to get my head back where it needed to be and can’t thank her enough for the support! I’m literally sat on the plane right now so excited to see Lauren and the little man. Never been so excited to clean up a proper dirty, shitty nappy… madness.
I have a week back in AD to be on full Daddy Daycare duties before heading back to the UK and straight into action on the EuroPro Tour. This trip has definitely been a learning curve and one that I need to figure out and learn from… it’s going to take time but playing poorly and being away from the family has made me a lot more hungry for it and will use it as fuel to push on and get stuck in for the months ahead.
Until next time…
Sweaty egg… Out!