
EuroPro - Wales

EuroPro - Wales

Rough week…

This week I was down in Wales at Macyhyns Golf Club. After playing nine holes on Monday evening I knew we were in for a treat for the week, the course was superb and right up my street.

Unfortunately started to feel rough Tuesday morning with a bit of Man flu and then burst a blood vessel in my eye which didn’t seem to bother me that night but Wednesday morning and the start of the event It just got worse and worse, the headaches and eye twitches were off the charts. I played the first round and can’t really remember much of it.

After 10 hours sleep Wednesday night, I felt remotely human on Thursday morning but after five holes the headaches started back again so decided it best to withdraw from the event. I went straight to the opticians in Wales to do some tests and luckily the Heath of the eye is good so hopefully should start to feel better soon. It’s the first time I can ever recall not finishing an event as a pro and after getting back from wales yesterday, I’m still feel pretty crap. Hopefully a bit of rest will help and get me back on track.

I’m down to play the clutch tour event at the Oxfordshire next week, so fingers crossed I can get back to normal for that

Hope you all have a good weekend, enjoy the heatwave

Until next time Luke

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